Embark on a magical journey to Whoville, where the holiday season fills the air with excitement! The cozy Bed & Breakfast emits the aroma of freshly baked Christmas cookies, and even the Grinch can't help but appreciate the festive, cheerful atmosphere.🎄
Fragrance: A sweet, buttery, vanilla cookie.
Size: 8 oz | Burn Time: +/- 45 hours
Size: 16 oz | Burn Time: +/- 82 hours
Embark on a magical journey to Whoville, where the holiday season fills the air with excitement! The cozy Bed & Breakfast emits the aroma of freshly baked Christmas cookies, and even the Grinch can't help but appreciate the festive, cheerful atmosphere.🎄
Fragrance: A sweet, buttery, vanilla cookie.
Size: 8 oz | Burn Time: +/- 45 hours
Size: 16 oz | Burn Time: +/- 82 hours